
Can You Overuse a Massage Chair? – A Simple Guide

Can You Overuse a Massage Chair

The massage chairs are the best appliance to get rid of chronic pain and muscle ache. A massage chair is worth every penny you pay for it. But, can you overuse a massage chair? How long should you sit in a massage chair?

The simple answer is yes, you can use a massage chair for a long time. However, it can cause some injuries as well. If a person has an injury, then overusing a massage chair can make the injury worse.

Check Can a Massage Chair Cause Injury? Here is The Answer

In these types of situations, you should avoid overusing a massage chair. But, it also depends on the person using the massage chair. Let’s see how and why a massage chair can cause injuries.

Keep reading the article…

What will happen if I Overuse a Massage Chair?

What will happen if I Overuse a Massage Chair?

Overusing a massage chair can cause different types of injuries like skin irritation and inflammation. Especially, if you are already suffering from any type of injury. It will make your injuries worst.

There are some side effects as well that users may experience after the overuse of massage chairs. The user may feel pain in some body parts and headaches. When you use a massage chair for deep tissue massage for a long time, the massage chair can cause slight residual pain and headache.

Overusing a massage chair can also lower blood sugar and fatigue after the massage. If you are allergic to leather or other materials, then there are higher chances of skin irritation and allergies.

The injuries also depend on the massage chairs. Most massage chair comes with auto massage programs. Some of the auto massage programs can be too intense and cause injuries to some people. Therefore, you should keep the intensity level lower while using the massage chair the first time. It will avoid unnecessary injuries.

Can a Massage Chair Make You Sore?

Can a Massage Chair Make You Sore?

Yes, if you overuse a massage chair, then it can make your muscles sore. Make sure not to concentrate the massage in one particular area. The massage chair comes with different massage programs for different parts of the body.

You should not massage one part of your body for more than 15 to 20 minutes. While using the massage chair the first time, even the lowest setting will feel too intense. If you feel pain while using the massage chair, then you do not need to worry.

Once you get used to the massage chair, you will be comfortable with higher settings as well. But, make sure to massage with a lower level for the first time. Let’s see how a massage chair can cause injuries.

How Can Massage Chair Cause Skin Irritation?

Body Irritation

Maybe there are too many reasons when a massage chair can cause skin injuries. While having the massage, the massage chair can rub the clothes against the skin which can cause skin irritation. However, this is an uncommon reason for skin injuries.

In rare cases, users get skin irritated because of the clothes. The vibrating massage can also be a reason for skin irritation. According to an article, our body naturally releases nitric oxide while having a massage.

The nitric oxide with vibration can also cause skin itching in some people. Because of the high level of vibration, your body may develop muscle spasms. A muscle spasm is a sudden movement in one or more muscles.

It can irritate your nerves and cause an itchy-like sensation in your skin. Many people use some products to clean the massage chair. These types of cleaning products are always made of harmful chemicals.

The chemical that might be left on the chair can cause skin irritation. People with sensitive skin or allergies can experience skin irritation because of this reason. The red rash can also occur because of the harmful chemicals.

In this situation, you should consult a doctor. If possible, then avoid using any products to clean the massage chair. You can easily clean it with a wet cloth as well.

Can a Massage Chair Cause Inflammation and Bruising?


Yes, a massage chair can cause inflammation and bruising if you overuse it. If you are having a too intense massage for a long time, it can break blood capillaries in your skin. The broken capillaries are the main reason for bruising.

However, it is not an uncommon issue. You will feel bruising after having a massage for some time. But, in some people who are suffering from any health issues, bruising can be quite dangerous.

When it comes to inflammation, it is a very common issue while having a massage. According to, a modest amount of inflammation is a sign of a successful massage. The massage improves our blood circulation with temporary inflammation.

This temporary inflammation is because of the body’s healing response. But, excessive inflammation can be dangerous. If you massage only one area for a long time, then you may feel uncomfortable or painful. It will result in congestion of fluids.

You may do not know that the congestion of fluids can lead to long-term damage. To reduce the inflammation, you can apply a cold compress to the area of inflammation for some minutes. It will help you to reduce inflammation and will drain out excess fluids from the muscle tissues.

How Can I Know I am Overusing a Massage Chair?

How Can I Know I am Overusing a Massage Chair?

Well, some people think that a longer massage will give a superior massage. But, your muscle will not get more relaxed if you massage your body for long hours. If you want to get the maximum amount of benefits, then you should massage your body in short time intervals.

You should use a massage chair like medicine. If you use a massage chair for a long time, then it can hurt your muscles and massage chair as well in long term. How long should you sit in a massage chair?

To get the maximum benefits of the massage chair, you should sit in a massage chair in short intervals of 15 minutes. It is recommended by experts to avoid skin injuries and inflammations. You should use a massage chair according to the guidelines provided by the manufacturers.

You can sit in a massage chair and take massage therapy two or three times a day. But, make sure to take massage therapy only for 15 minutes at once. Also, you should do some physical activities after every massage therapy.

Our body releases some toxins while having massage therapy. Some physical activity will help you to remove those toxins after the massage therapy. You can also drink water to remove the toxins after having the massage.

If you are using the massage chair only for relaxation, then you can use it one to three times per week at most. But, for back and neck pain, you can use it three or four times per week.

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Final Verdict

No doubts massage chairs are the best for relieving pain and relaxing the muscles. But, overuse of any product is always harmful. You should make a schedule for using the massage chair. Many people ask, can you sleep in a massage chair.

Is it harmful to sleep in a massage chair for a long time? No, there are side effects of sleeping in a massage chair. But, make sure that the massage chair is off while you are sleeping. You can sleep in a massage chair to get relax and be comfortable when they are turned off. So that’s it for now see you soon.

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